
The Power of COPYTRACK: Protecting Your Intellectual Property Online

With the rise of the digital age, protecting intellectual property has become more challenging than ever before. The internet has made it easier for individuals and businesses to share and distribute creative works, but it has also made it easier for others to infringe upon those works. In this article, we will explore the power of COPYTRACK, a leading global service provider for image search and copyright enforcement. We will delve into how COPYTRACK works, its benefits, and how it can help you protect your intellectual property online.


COPYTRACK is a revolutionary platform that uses cutting-edge technology to track and monitor images online. It provides a comprehensive solution for copyright enforcement, allowing photographers, artists, and businesses to protect their creative works from unauthorized use and infringement.

Using advanced image recognition technology, COPYTRACK scans the internet for images that match those uploaded by its users. It then provides detailed reports on where and how those images are being used, making it easier for copyright holders to identify and take action against infringers.

How Does COPYTRACK Work?

COPYTRACK’s process can be broken down into four simple steps:

  1. Upload: Users upload their images to the COPYTRACK platform, providing the system with a reference point for comparison.
  2. Scan: COPYTRACK’s powerful image recognition technology scans the internet for matches to the uploaded images.
  3. Report: Once matches are found, COPYTRACK generates detailed reports that include information on where and how the images are being used.
  4. Enforce: Armed with the information provided by COPYTRACK, copyright holders can take appropriate action to enforce their rights, such as sending cease and desist letters or pursuing legal action.

The Benefits of Using COPYTRACK

There are numerous benefits to using COPYTRACK to protect your intellectual property online. Here are some of the key advantages:

1. Time and Cost Efficiency

Manually searching the internet for unauthorized use of your images can be a time-consuming and costly process. COPYTRACK automates this process, saving you valuable time and resources. Its advanced technology can scan millions of images in a matter of seconds, providing you with comprehensive reports in a fraction of the time it would take to do it manually.

2. Global Coverage

COPYTRACK has a vast network of partners and clients around the world, allowing it to track and monitor images on a global scale. This means that no matter where your images are being used, COPYTRACK can help you identify and take action against infringers.

3. Detailed Reports

COPYTRACK’s reports provide detailed information on where and how your images are being used. This includes the URLs of the websites where the images are found, as well as information on the context in which they are being used. This level of detail is crucial when it comes to enforcing your rights and taking legal action against infringers.

If legal action is necessary, COPYTRACK can provide you with the support you need. It has a team of experienced copyright lawyers who can assist you in pursuing legal remedies against infringers. This can be particularly valuable if you are dealing with international copyright issues, as copyright laws can vary from country to country.

Real-Life Examples

To illustrate the power of COPYTRACK, let’s take a look at some real-life examples of how it has helped copyright holders protect their intellectual property:

Example 1: Photographer A

Photographer A is a professional photographer who specializes in wildlife photography. One day, while browsing the internet, Photographer A comes across a website that is using one of his images without permission. He decides to upload the image to COPYTRACK to see if there are any other instances of unauthorized use.

Within minutes, COPYTRACK generates a report that shows multiple instances of the image being used without permission. The report includes the URLs of the websites where the image is found, as well as information on the context in which it is being used. Armed with this information, Photographer A is able to send cease and desist letters to the infringers and successfully enforce his rights.

Example 2: Artist B

Artist B is a digital artist who creates unique and original artwork. One day, Artist B discovers that one of his artworks has been reproduced and sold on an online marketplace without his permission. Frustrated and unsure of what to do, Artist B turns to COPYTRACK for help.

After uploading the image to COPYTRACK, Artist B receives a report that not only shows where the image is being used, but also provides information on the sellers and their contact details. With this information in hand, Artist B is able to take legal action against the infringers and successfully stop the unauthorized sale of his artwork.


1. How much does COPYTRACK cost?

COPYTRACK offers different pricing plans to suit the needs of different users. The cost depends on factors such as the number of images you want to track and the level of support you require. It is best to visit the COPYTRACK website or contact their sales team for detailed pricing information.

2. Can COPYTRACK track images that have been modified or edited?

Yes, COPYTRACK’s advanced image recognition technology can track images even if they have been modified or edited. It can detect similarities between images, even if they have undergone changes such as cropping, resizing, or color adjustments.

3. Can COPYTRACK track images on social media platforms?

Yes, COPYTRACK can track images on social media platforms. It has partnerships with major social media platforms, allowing it to scan and monitor images shared on these platforms for unauthorized use.

4. What happens if COPYTRACK finds unauthorized use of my images?

If COPYTRACK finds unauthorized use of your images, it will generate a detailed report that includes information on where and how the images are being used. It is then up to you to decide how to proceed. You can choose to send cease and desist letters, negotiate licensing agreements, or pursue legal action, depending on the circumstances.

5. Is COPYTRACK only for professional photographers and artists?

No, COPYTRACK is not limited to professional photographers and artists. It can be used by anyone who wants to protect their intellectual property online, including businesses, bloggers, and individuals. If you create and own images, COPYTRACK can help you safeguard your rights.


COPYTRACK is a powerful tool for protecting your intellectual property online. Its advanced image recognition technology, global coverage